Saturday, August 11, 2012

Camping at Yellowstone

Traffic was heavy and slow as soon as we entered Yellowstone Park.  We made it to our campground at Madison about 4:30.  After setting up camp, we explored the campgrounds by bike and then attended the ranger talk at 9:00.
one of the lower geyser basin walks--look at the crowds of people

Darliss at Lower Geyser Basin

Middle Geyser Basin

Darliss at Paint Pots walk

Snake River

Lewis Lake
Day 1:  Grand Loop Road is set up in a figure-8.  We explored the lower part of the loop today.  That included Old Faithful and lots of walks on boardwalk paths to explore various geysers, paint pots, and mud pots along the way.  It also included traveling around Yellowstone Lake, Fishing Village, and the South Rim of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone before returning to camp.  We walked lots of short trails today and realized the scope of the volcanic activity at the park.

Day 2:  We explored the upper part of the loop that included Mammoth Hot Springs, Tower-Roosevelt Junction and lodge, and more of the canyon.  The sights are awe-inspiring at every stop and Larry has taken tons of pictures each day.  I can't believe how many people and cars there are at every stop and lookout.  Each place we had to search to find a place to park.  We hadn't seen any game, but today a coyote crossed the road right in front of us, we encountered a bison-jam as we slowly followed a large group of bison up the road, saw two black bear cubs, and saw a large bull elk right by the side of the road.

Firehole Canyon
Day 3:  broke up camp headed toward toward Craters of the Moon.

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