Sunday, June 24, 2012

Tater TOT 2012

We arrived in Kellogg about 6:00.  It was slow going around Coeur d'Alene because they were using half of the highway for the Ironman competition (the bicycle portion). 

Everyone is walking around and trying out everybody else's trikes

See all the trikes lined up -- there must be 70 of them
Everyone is checking out all the trikes and velomobile

This one has 4 wheels

This velomobile is build around a trike
The leaning trike
This lady has a patriotic trike sock for wind aerodynamics
This is a HAZE Kettweizel with a fabric fairing  (Haze is a trike with two wheels in back insteam of front)
We saw lots of different types of recumbent trikes tonight.  I'll include some pics.

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