Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Crazy Horse Memorial/Wind Caves National Park

Crazy Horse Monument

Wind Cave

Crazy Horse
Okay, we're down 150 feet.  Now, how do I get back out?
Wow, today is a scorcher...92 at last check...good day to visit the caves.  We passed by the Crazy Horse Memorial but didn't stop to visit the museum. 

We are camping for a couple of days at the national campground near Wind Caves.  The year-round temp inside the caves is 52.  There are 138 miles of mapped routes on three different levels and scientists estimate that this is only 10% of the caves.  This is the 5th largest cave in the world.

We took the Natural Entrance tour that lasted 1-1/4 hours.  The box patterns in these caves are way different than the stalactites and stalagmites we've seen in a cave before.

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