Saturday, July 7, 2012

Traveling Between Bozeman and Hardin

Last night it got dark before we could find a pretty camping spot, so we stayed the night at a rest area at Bozeman.  It was pretty noisy between highway noise and the generator from the motorhome next door to us.  It took me a whole 1/2 hour or so to get to sleep instead of my usual 5 min :)

Larry realized he didn't bring his sandals so our first stop was at Target for some sandals.  We gassed up at Billings and stopped at the WalMart to get a few supplies.  Now we're on our way to Custer Battlefield a short way past Hardin....15 more miles.  I'll post again after we stop by the battlefield.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot for this wonderful share, Keep posting the updates.

    Travel Advise
