Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Adventure Continues

The walrus always fascinates the kids---it's floating on its back
Emerson, Eli, Rowdy, and Larry at Redondo park

Eli climbing at the park
Emerson and Rowdy on the Pier

June 7: Walked to Redondo Beach and played at Redondo Park with Emerson, Eli, and Rowdy. Emerson even got Rowdy to go down the slide with her. We left the umbrella-stroller and my wallet behind accidentally and a kind lady prevented some kids from taking it. I feel so thankful! I didn't even realize it was missing. We'd gone home, made dinner, and were enjoying the kids when we received a call about my wallet.

Eli isn't sure if he really wants to feed the Budgie Bird

Nicole's kids with Emerson and Eli

Puffin bird at the zoo
June 8: We went to the Fort Defiance Zoo...tigers, sharks, seals, polar bear, Budgie birds, and elephant were the kids' favorites. We braved the rain when we left Federal Way and it finally turned into a nice day when we arrived at the zoo. Then a leisurely drive (I-5 traffic jams) to Everett to see Billie and Dave. JoLynn and her 4 boys are visiting so we also get to get to know our great-nephews from Texas.
This tiger looks so regal

June 8 dinnertime arrived at Billie and Dave's house. 

These planes were called Flying Tigers and they painted teeth on the planes

Dave, Dawson, and Larry

June 9:  Visited the Aviation Museum at Everett and watched the Japanese Zero and Flying Tiger plane put on an airshow.

I'm checking out the plants and gardening tools
June 10:  We went to Sorticulture, an outdoor plant and craft show, at Everett.  We also listened to some free entertainment. 

June 11:  Larry and I went to Sorticulture again, dropped by the new Cabela store in Marysville, and went to the Farmers Market to get some fresh vegies, strawberries, and flowers.

Darliss at Cabelas
June 12: Next leg of the adventure, on to Jason's house in Richland. We arrived about 11 pm last night and slept hard. This morning we babysat Isaac (4-1/2 mos old) and went down to the waterfront park to walk and enjoy the beautiful weather. Joaquin had his last day of school today and Jason & Sally both had to work. Larry made stir-fry for dinner then we all went for a walk.

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